Red sorghum Red sorghum

Arrow Books

Yan Mo

Red sorghum

ردمك: 9780099451679O

10.00 د.ت.‏
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Spanning three generations, this novel of family and myth is told through a series of flashbacks that depict events of staggering horror set against a landscape of gemlike beauty as the Chinese battle both the Japanese invaders and each other in the turbulent 1930s. As the novel opens, a group of villagers, led by Commander Yu, the narrator's grandfather, prepare to attack the advancing Japanese. Yu sends his 14-year-old son back home to get food for his men, but as Yu's wife returns through the sorghum fields with the food, the Japanese start firing and she is killed. Her death becomes the thread that links the past to the present and the narrator moves back and forth recording the war's progress, the fighting between the Chinese warlords and his family's history.


Yan Mo


Arrow Books



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Mo Yan

Guan Moye dit "Mo Yan" est un écrivain chinois. Né dans une famille de paysans pauvres du Shandong, Mo Yan a longtemps vécu au cœur de la campagne chinoise, dont le souvenir nourrit son œuvre. Il quitte l'école pour travailler aux champs dès la fin de ses études primaires. En 1979, il s'enrôle dans l'armée. Il commence à écrire en 1981 et entre en 1984 à l'Institut de l'art de l'armée de libération. Il atteint la notoriété avec "Le Clan du sorgho", qui est porté à l'écran sous le nom "Le Sorgho rouge" par Zhang Yimou en 1986. Ce dernier adaptera aussi "Le maître a de plus en plus d'humour" (1999) en 2000.